Today is your day.
Today you can make the greatest life changing decision you will ever have the opportunity to make. A decision to put Jesus first in your life. When you do you have access to a life of adventure, joy, peace, and purpose to make a real difference in the world around you.
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
- Romans 10:9
Pray this prayer.
“Jesus I acknowledge I am a sinner and you died to free me from the consequences of my sin. I accept you today as my Lord and Saviour.”
Here are four things to help you grow in this relationship and make it REAL.
Start reading your Bible. Start in the book of John.
You can encounter God everyday through prayer.
Attend and get plugged-in to a local bible-teaching church.
Let someone know
Go and let others know what it is God has done in your life.
Why are we here?
Have you ever wondered what wild series of events has led to this world that we live in? Overall, it seems to be working pretty well — gravity keeps us grounded, water keeps us hydrated. However, it’s painfully clear that the world is not without problems. Events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, economic crises, racial injustice, riots and protests — remind us that the world is far from perfect. But has it always been this way? You see when God created the world, it was perfect. Natural disasters, sickness, death, poverty, war, etc., were not a part of His original design. And when God created this world – from the ocean depths to the furthest galaxies – He was setting the stage for His final masterpiece: you. Therefore, your life is no accident. You are deeply loved and valued by God – created on purpose for a purpose. That purpose is to know God intimately and to work in partnership with Him to fulfil the individual purpose and plans He has for you on the earth today. There is nothing more meaningful than this.
Why do bad things happen?
This is why God gave us a free will, which at its end is the ability to either choose Him or reject Him. Sadly, we all have made the choice to reject Him, insisting upon living life our own way. Yet this decision created a great and terrible gap between us and God. To separate from Him is too separate from the source of life itself – and the natural consequence of separating from life is death (Romans 6:23).This is ultimately why brokenness exists within the world today and bad things happen to good people. The reality is that we cannot save ourselves from this brokenness or consequence of death. Like a perfect painting that was torn into a million pieces, we cannot put ourselves back together. Our best efforts will still leave us with a distorted image and we will ultimately spend our lives searching for fulfilment and meaning which cannot be found apart from God.
Is there hope?
So while we have maneuvered ourselves into a corner with no exit, God refuses to give up on us. This is why He sent Jesus to rescue us – Jesus is our only hope. Coming to earth as God wrapped in human flesh, Jesus – whose very name means “God saves” – lived the perfect life we should have lived. He was willingly tortured and murdered and nailed to a wooden cross in our place – allowing Himself to be torn apart so that our lives could one day be made whole. The Bible says that Jesus gave His life as a ransom for us. The word “ransom” is defined as “a sum of money demanded or paid for the release of a captive.” Ironically, we were captives to our own pride and selfishness – yet we still mattered so much to God that He died, so we could be free from the consequence of rejecting Him. But not even death itself can defeat God. Three days after His death, Jesus came back to life. He is alive today and He loves you immeasurably more than you could imagine! Because of what Jesus did, you are now free to choose or reject Him again – but He pleads with you this time to choose Him, to choose life.
Do I have purpose?
Do you ever wonder if you have a real purpose or meaning in life? The crazy part about all this is that we not only receive the free gift of salvation from our sin and mistakes but we are made new and given a purpose. Jeremiah 29:11 says that God has a purpose for your life one that gives you hope and a future. We also must realise God is always working on us. It#s a process. God doesn’t expect you to be perfect – but in those times, run to Him, talk to Him, and allow His love to transform you from the inside out. If you had this conversation with God today, you can be confident that He forgives you and that you have begun a relationship with Him. Furthermore, you can know that you are held in His hand and have the promise of a fresh start to a brand new life. Jesus says in John 10:28 – 30, “I will give you a life you cannot lose. And nothing – no one – will snatch you away from My protection.”