We have English speaking church services in Anasbach Germany, where you can find and connect with Christian community. The modern Church services have contemporary worship, relevant teaching, and time for fellowship. We a proud to serve the city and people of Ansbach with life giving Christ centered community.
Sonntags - mit Kids Programm
16.30 Uhr
Life Church Ansbach , Türkenstraße 18, 91522 Ansbach
Parkplatz bei Lidl
Previous Messages

"Love Our City" Special Offering
To give to the "Love Our City" special offering, please use
IBAN: DE92 7115 0000 0500 1966 05
Please also designate your giving as being for ‘Love Our City’ in the description on your bank transfer, giving envelope or in PayPal.
Thank you so much for your generous giving to this purpose!
Some highlights over the coming weeks.
In addition to connecting with our English speaking church services and events we invite everyone to be part of the church community in these valuable ways.